
Prediseño de Columnas

Es un archivo pdf con un trabajo de ocho páginas con información sobre el predimensionado de columnas. Cuenta con referencias bibliográficas. Te permite diseñar de manera previa a tu proyecto de definitivo las dimensiones de columnas verticales

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historia de le corbusier

el siguiente documento contiene algunos de los pasajes más sobresalientes de las declaraciones realizadas por Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), el gran maestro de la arquitectura moderna. (el documento es una recopilacion de información bajada de internet)

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Circulo Guangzhou

Trabajo desarrollado para tecnologia constructiva Del círculo mancion GUANGZHOU DETALLES ESTRUCTURALES Y FUNCIONALES Ke desarrolla eficientemente una visión Más a fondo de esta obra de arte

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Informe De Suelos

es un informe sobres los ensayos in-situ sobre el área de mecánica de suelos, los ensayos son triaxial, presiometrico ,CPT o penetracion estandar y demas ...

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Traza De Sur De Leon

TRAZA de SUR de LEON gto la traza Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the use of land, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks.[1] Urban Planning is also referred to as urban and regional, regional, town, city, rural planning or some combination in various areas worldwide. Urban planning takes many forms and it can share perspectives and practices with urban design.[2] Urban planning guides and ensures the orderly development of settlements and satellite communities which commute into and out of urban areas or share resources with it. Urban planners in the field are concerned with research and analysis, strategic thinking, architecture, urban design, public consultation, policy recommendations, implementation and management.[3] Urban Planners work with the cognate fields of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Public Administration to achieve strategic, policy and sustainability goals. Early urban planners were often members of the these cognate fields. Today urban planning is a separate, independent professional discipline. The discipline is the broader category that includes many different sub-fields such as land-use planning, zoning, environmental planning, transportation planning, and Parks and Recreation.[4]

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