A fatal error has occured:

GT::Template (9208): Unable to run compiled template file '/home/dearquit/www/documentos/cgi-bin/admin/templates/pagebuilder/compiled/descarga.html.compiled'. Reason: $@: Missing right curly or square bracket at /home/dearquit/www/documentos/cgi-bin/admin/templates/pagebuilder/compiled/descarga.html.compiled line 253, at end of line
  (Might be a runaway multi-line {} string starting on line 251)
	syntax error at /home/dearquit/www/documentos/cgi-bin/admin/templates/pagebuilder/compiled/descarga.html.compiled line 253, at EOF
	. $!:  at /home/dearquit/www/documentos/cgi-bin/admin/Links.pm line 387.

Please enable debugging in setup for more details.